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Smart Sectors

Flexible and Accurate NAICS or SIC Industry Code Alternatives

Smart Sectors are AI-driven industrial sector definitions based on how businesses describe themselves.

What are Smart Sectors?

Smart Sectors deliver a detailed and precise overview of your business landscape and economy, surpassing the constraints of conventional classification methods like NAICS or SIC codes.

Our pioneering platform, Mosaic, reads from millions of business websites and employs a blend of machine learning and specialist expertise to accurately identify business activities and ensure Smart Sectors stay current with the most recent developments and breakthroughs in the industry.

Say goodbye to outdated, rigid classification systems and embrace Smart Sectors, the future of industry categorisation.

Book a demo of Smart Sector Intelligence today

Not another re-classification

We’re not re-inventing NAICS codes and we’re not building a newer, yet still restrictive set of boxes to put businesses in.

We’re generating responsive, dynamic classifications which react to changes in the business landscape. Completely unique to the area you select, and generated by the words and phrases each business uses to desrcibe themselves.

One Smart Sector could incorporate businesses accross multiple NAICS codes:

Above: One example x-ray of a Smart Sector for “Automotive Sales and Services”.

To try and reverse engineer this process in order to define your own unique sectors is next to impossible, and it’s clear to see that defining your own custom sector definitions would mean dipping into multiple other industry classifications to find even a fraction of the businesses you’re looking for.

Smart Sector Intelligence does all of this out of the box.

Book a demo of Smart Sector Intelligence today

Download our Smart Sector Intelligence PDF

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